22 April-Theatre Workshop

Dear Theatre enthusiasts,

Let’s keep the ball rolling and make this project grow!

At each workshop we have new people joining and this is our biggest asset: the addition to the creativity and the quality of the result. You are welcome!

It is important to say that in this creative process both actors’ and non actors’ contribution will be valuable!

You can also join the group – pics and recent info will be shared there as well.

In a nutshell, the focus of our meetings is to taste a mix of improv and script based acting and to develop short play concepts with a collaborative approach.

Program of this meeting:
19:00-20:15 : Warm-up exercises and improv games
20:15-21:00 : Script based work and preparation
21:00-21:30 : Performances!!
21:30-22:00 : Feedback and open discussion
And then… Drinks!!!

7MRP-The Hague

P.S. This time we will be hosted by the cultural association DHiT. The workshop is free, but there will be a box for collecting donations to support DHiT.